$27.00 USD

I understand that the product I am purchasing from Brenda Johnston  (2646089 Ontario Inc.) is for educational purposes only. It is not therapy and is not meant as a replacement for any other interventions.

I understand that my progress comes from my participation and that the tools in this bundle are to enable to create new outcomes and Brenda Johnston (2646089 Ontario Inc.) cannot and will not predict outcomes or make decisions for me. I assume full responsibility for my actions and inaction which relate to my success.

I hereby release Brenda Johnston  (2646089 Ontario Inc.) or any other persons related or affiliated of any and all liability in this matter.

 **By purchasing this bundle, I understand this is a non-refundable purchase.**

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Abundance Activation

What you'll be getting access to:

  1. Abundance activation & clearing audio meditation
  2. Energetic frequency raising affirmation audio program
  3. Magnetize & Manifest PDF clutter clearing guide/worksheet

Note: After payment you will be taken directly to a download page. You'll also receive an email with the link to the download page that you can bookmark.

 **By purchasing this digital-download product, I understand this is a non-refundable purchase.**